Always Curtsy When You Sneeze
A Blog For Those Of Us In The "Cocktail Hour Of Life" who still have a sense of humor...

With no sleeve to bear its enormous weight Mom very conveniently wore her heart on her actual forearms or biceps. Oh she knew about commitment, make no mistake.
Above all else we could always count on Mother's clever je ne sais quoi (a quality no one could quite put their finger on but since it got her out of jail on more than one occasion we didn’t really question it) and her genius capacity for putting people at ease like the PTA for example. After all it was this "quoi" that helped Mom to reel in a catch like Dear ol'Dad.
She didn't cook but if the way to her mans heart was through his stomach then to his stomach she would go. Only instead of brandishing a spatula Mom brought her tattoo-grip to the party and the rest as they say is history, or in this case an actual history book. Indelibly written over the once sinewy folds and unforeseen crannies of Dads epidermis. This was a match made in Heaven.

Subsequent posts will offer a more revealing glimpse into my personal gene pool or as Mom & Dad liked to call it, the family inkwell. I'll share graphic accounts of growing up carnival and talk about permanent labels that come with that territory.
Plus a lesson in painting life with broad strokes, how to needle your way into a mans heart and advice from Dad himself on the ins and outs of doing life in the slammer. Until then, friends.

Actor Sal Mineo gave him the nickname of "Mayor of the Sunset strip", he has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (around the 700 block) and these photos only scratch the surface of famous people he knows personally.
Along the way Rodney Bingenheimer managed to touch the lives and careers of enough famous people to choke a horse. He's been a household name to people like Sonny and Cher and Andy Warhal for decades and in some circles, he still is. A DJ at KROQ-FM Radio since the 60s, Rodney's claim to fame was picking hit records.
For years he was a constantly evolving fixture as rock fan, journalist, promoter and club owner. In short the guy is well connected. A connector of people, the guy who gets things done for other people, the go-to guy for just about anything a rock star or artist could want in Hollywood. Sonny Bono liked him so that for a while he invited Rodney to tag along with him where ever he went and Andy Warhol loved having him around too.

But do you see something sad about Rodney in the first photo? me too, and it comes through in "Mayor of the Sunset Strip". They filmed a visit with Rodney and his parents who proudly walked the crew through the house pointing out family photographs. You hear a voice off-camera ask: "where are your photos of Rodney?" His parents looked blankly at each other, then the Mother piped up and asked the Father to go fetch the album filled with Rodney memorabilia in the other room. The Father came back a few minutes later with a letter sized envelope which held a couple of old newspaper clippings and one childhood photo of poor Rodney. It was a sad moment but you didn't see him flinch, he just walked through the moment as if he'd lived it a million other times.
He still has a radio show on KROQ-FM but it airs in the middle of the night. Some speculate that KROQ-FM is afraid to let Rodney go for fear they'll rock the boat and alienate his influential friends. The fact that Rodney hangs on is evidence that he may not have the juice he once did, and I'm not sure the documentary shows him in the best light, but any story about a sweet, awkward, unassuming guy in the midst of a movement that literally "rocked" the world seems worth telling.
Rodney with John & Yoko

Rodney with Bob Dylan

Rodney with Jimmy Hendrix

Rodney with Andy Warhol

Make it stop, PLEASE:
6. Main stream media bias. At the very minimum, news anchors should refrain from actually smirking with their delivery of certain news pieces, and this goes for written media too. Not everybody is susceptible to drinking the cool aid, so back off!
7. Harvey Levin straw sucking on TMZ ... why does he always have to suck on something? Isn't he like in his late 40s? It's so not attractive.
8. Girl on girl cat fighting, i.e., Real Housewives, Bad Girls, Any Kardashian and I'm sure the list goes on... make it stop right away. It only perpetuates bad taste and I'm sure a lot of parents let their youngsters watch this garbage.
9. Hair extensions have become boarder line creepy. They are not authentic looking, I can spot them a mile away and EVERYONE wears them. I will admit to going with a similar trend when I was younger, but now I'm old and less tolerant so I'm putting it out there.
Don't worry, this will be my final PLEASE MAKE IT STOP... To balance things out I'll be adding a post entitled PLEASE GIVE ME MORE very soon.
OKAY.... what did I tell you? I tried to post the video but it overtook the page and has put me on the verge of a tizzy. Sorry... if you're interested, just click on the link above and enjoy. More later..

Maybe using a bar code like they do on cottage cheese wouldn't be so offensive, or what about stamping it on a less obvious body part like the bottom of the foot or something..... but right across the forehead? Really?
Think about it.... fat people, short people, obnoxious people, sweet people, rich people, terrorist people......... the possibilities are endless. What's more, depending on the size of ones forehead, multiple words could even be used, like degenerate gambler, closet homosexual, cancer victim... let's face it (no pun intended) this could be big.... real big!
Since tattoos are all the rage right now this could catch on like wildfire and for once my timing would be impeccable. This is very exciting. I would love to hear your take on the idea, a little collaboration is always healthy and of course credit will be given where credit is due, what say you?

Many years later, around 1992 I found myself near 8th Street in Redondo, so drove by to see if the house was still there. It certainly was, and with plenty of upgrades, but not so many that I didn't recognize the neighborhood. I stopped and took the next photo for comparison. Wow, someone has done a masterful job with the aesthetics. It's such a shame that during those years my Father became a philandering flake, bringing our family nucleus to it's knees and changing our lives forever. To try and imagine how differently life may have turned out for us boggles the mind, but of course, it is what it is.
My Sister and I have decided to plan a real trip to the area some time in the near future. Maybe make some new memories to associate with our long but not forgotten stomping grounds.


FEAR & LOATHING: Familiar territory for me. Having done more loathing than fearing, I can vouch that with loathing, things are rarely ever as bad as you fear they're going to be. The irony is that while your in loathing, the part of your brain holding this simple fact is rendered useless by loathing itself. It's partner, fear can be a life saver, a defense mechanism against people without conscience or oncoming trains. At the same time, fear can hold you back, but facing it can set you free. Fear is fierce!
COMPASSION: I have an abundance of compassion and for that I am grateful. Truthfully though, compassion was an acquired taste for me. Once the old ego was in check and I got my head out of my .... uhhh...... well ... let's just leave it right there and say I now have plenty of compassion.
PASSION: Yes, well passion is important isn't it, and all the rage. Passion is professed to be the only way in which one can attain life's true gifts. It too can be elusive if you've not had some indoctrination to the idea of realizing your passion. I have scrambled to find my big passion in life, but at this stage of the game, it's possible that I never will. That sucks.
AMBITION: Interesting how these all play off of one another, isn't it? Presently, my ambition is in question. Perspective may have been lost along the way on this, and where one goes to regain it is cloudy terrain. Could it be in some stage of morph? The answer buzzes around me like a fly. If and when it is found again, I shall use it for good and not evil.
JEALOUSY, ENVY, ANGER & GUILT: I loath jealousy and anger. To my thinking they are both poison and should be completely eradicated from the brain. Junk emotions that can in no way serve us, unlike guilt. Guilt can stir us into being better people, and envy is innocent enough. If managed, envy can be a motivator so long as it doesn't turn to jealousy. Socrates said that a life unexamined is a life not worth living. I don't know if I completely agree with that, but putting a little thought to the things that drive us certainly seems worth looking at, can I get a witness?


Feel free to add any despicable person or persons you think belong here. Simply leave the persons name, including their game in a comment and I'll see that it's added to the list.
To kick things off, here are a few disgraceful individuals of the day:
MICHAELE SALAHI- fame monger, white house party crasher who was recently kicked off of Celebrity Rehab show due to the fact that she couldn't produce a discernible addiction..... Now, her husband Tareq has threatened to sue if they don't take her back. What a piece of work.

Walking the hills became a bit of an obsession for me in the 80s, and continued when I moved from Los Feliz to the South Bay, a little closer to the ocean. Not as hilly, but certainly rough enough to keep me on my toes as it were.
Some time later I moved to Nevada and found a great little baseball park with a walking trail where I managed to keep it up in spite of extreme conditions like heat, then cold, then heat, then cold again.
Don't get the wrong impression, there have been months and even complete years that have passed when I didn't exercise at all. But eventually no matter my location, I get back into the swing of things and find myself a patch that offers a decent work out. What a trouper!
Today I live in the East and fortunately have several terrific options for walking places which I use several times a week. Even better, there's ample room here for my dogs to come along and go "off leash" for the most part. Awesome!
It happens when I work in the garden, or just putter around the house too. Basically, anytime I perspire. It seems to be right under the surface of my skin and ready to rear it's ugly head the minute my body temperature rises. Even in the middle of the night if I have too many covers over my body and get too warm.

May you rest in peace beautiful Liz ...

FOLLOW YOUR CURIOSITY! “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."
Kids are usually curious about everything, so take them everywhere (within reason) show them everything, let them touch stuff, and taste stuff and keep their minds stimulated. The pursuit of curiosity is the secret to success.
PERSEVERANCE IS PRICELESS! “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
If your kids see you work through problems and come to an intended outcome, they'll be willing to stick to what they start too. They'll grow up knowing how good it feels to finish any race they start.
FOCUS ON THE PRESENT! “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”
Tell your kids that they can do anything, but not everything. They'll learn to be present where they are; give their all to whatever they are currently doing. Focused energy is power, and it’s the difference between success and failure.
THE IMAGINATION IS POWERFUL! “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions, and more important than knowledge. It is the true sign of intelligence.
Kids are masters at exercising their “imagination muscles”. Never let something as powerful as imagination lie dormant.
MAKE MISTAKES! “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
Don't make your kids feel bad about making mistakes. A mistake is not a failure. If utilized properly, mistakes will make them better, smarter and faster. Teach them the power of making mistakes.
LIVE IN THE MOMENT “I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”
The only way to properly address the future is to be as present as possible “in the present.” It's the only time that matters, it's the only time there is. Dedicate all your parenting efforts to RIGHT NOW!
CREATE VALUE “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
Help your kids discover the talents and gifts they possess, and learn how to offer those talents and gifts in a way that most benefits others. Labor to be valuable and success will chase you down.
DON'T EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS! “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
In order for your life to change, you must change, to the degree that you change your actions and your thinking is to the degree that your life will change.
KNOWLEDGE COMES FROM EXPERIENCE! “Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”
You must experience a task first hand to “know it.” What’s the lesson? Get experience! Don’t spend time hiding behind speculation. Go out there and do it, and you will have gained priceless knowledge.

From what I've read, word verification is necessary to prevent auto-commenting, or spammed comments on your blog. The idea being that a machine is unable to replicate the captcha word, so to prove an actual human being is leaving a comment, one must use one's fingers to type in the random word. Right so far?

In my own defense, I tuned into "The Apprentice" to see a somewhat entertaining, intelligent match of wit, business acumen and life experience. Not at bitter bitch-fest where women pitted against each other act like hateful, ugly, vindictive, backbiters. Or in today's vernacular, "Real HOUSEWIVES".
It's just that these people bring out the very worst in each other AND IN ME, so I'm choosing to step out of the "Celebrity Apprentice" loop in search of kinder, gentler television like "Secret Millionaire"... where audience manipulation is on the side of good and not evil. I can get evil anywhere.

"Kami ga hitsuyō to no o jikan de, anata o shukufuku. Watashi-tachi wa, Nippon no yūjin-tachi no tame ni inotte imasu."

I shall never forget the night I walked out of the Kuhio Street movie theatre in Honolulu. It was 1971 and I had just seen "The

This amazing movie, that haunting score and watching Pacino for the very first time had me walking on a cloud. I half expected to find him sitting at The Oyster Bar Lounge when I arrived to work my shift that night.
Since then, I've seen The Godfather/Godfather Part II more than 80 times. I'm thinking this makes me an official die-hard, and as such, I refuse to acknowledge Godfather Part III. In my opinion, it just didn't live up to One and Two. But I digress....
Of course I would never subject myself to this kind of humiliation, but in Pacino's case, having the world poke fun at how you're aging comes with the territory, after all, "this is the business he's chosen".

Raw and gritty, the late Joplin belted out her blues as if they came straight from her toes right up to the back of her throat. Close your eyes and you’d swear you were listening to a descendant of Bessie Smiths or some other African American blues singer. Janis was a white girl from Texas who thought she wanted to be a folk singer. That is until she realized her true calling was belting the blues, and she could whale!

Anyway, at one particular point, the interview went sort of like this: Cavett asked Janis about a song she'd written referencing her love life, she answered: “You know the story of the carrot and the mule, don’t you? That’s what my love life is like.” Dick looked puzzled and asked: “You mean when a carrot on a string is just out of a mules reach, forcing it to keep moving? Are you saying you’re the carrot and men are mules?” (see the interview on YouTube)
Without hesitating, Janis explained: “No man, in my case it's like women are mules, and men are carrots because men are always holding up something more than they’re prepared to give.”

Sleep deprived, I got out of bed around 8:00 and slid into the easy chair. Coffee cup in one hand and TV remote in the other, I began to sip, and then flip through each channel in search of nothing in particular. I caught the tail end of “The Soup”, a program that highlights absurd moments seen on other television shows, and then a program called “Kourtney & Kim Take New York” came on.
For reasons unknown, I stayed on the channel and within seconds was stunned into a reality stupor! Kourtney and Kim are the sisters Kardashian, beautiful, rich and apparently very, very horny.
In the opening scene, cameras follow K & K as they walk down a bustling New York street. Kourtney spies a street vendor and says “Oh look, nuts, let’s stop and buy some”. They approach the vendor, “Can we please buy some nuts; we love them hot, especially in our mouths”. “Oh they’re so nice and hot”! They continue down the street calling out to passing strangers, “Anybody like hot nuts, we love them, especially in our mouths” In the scenes that followed:
*Kim just out of bed with her boyfriend listens to her sister having sex in the adjoining room.
* The sisters play suggestively with breakfast sausage and shortly after that, a banana.
* Kourtney’s boyfriend hollers to a passing police officer, “Hey, if I go down on my girlfriend right here on the street, will I be arrested?” The couple opts for a fitness center instead of the street and go there to have sex.
*The couple ducks into a public restroom and has sex again.
*The foursome goes bowling and rule that if boys win, they go down on the girls, and if girls win, they go down on the boys.
Mind you, this was within THE FIRST 10 MINUTES of the program. What in the hell is going on here, did I stumble onto a porn channel?
Is this slutty, smutty, inane, pathetic and stupid show for real? Do people really sit in their living rooms and deliberately watch this tripe more than once? Am I so completely out of touch with popular culture that I’m missing the entertainment value here?
I understand the concept that sex sells, but unless you’re selling it within the margins of good taste, it’s just trash! Can I get a witness?