

You're a blogger, right? So you get it when I refer to a "blog-buddy". A person whose blog you visit with some regularity. Whose writings entertain, teach or inspire you some how. One who finds the time to check in on your blog, see what soap box you're on and chime in with a comment or opinion now and then.

My list of blog-buddies may be short, but you people on it are all substance. I appreciate you so much, and I'm always flattered to know you've taken a minute out of your day to include me.

One such blog-buddy called Yenta Mary was inspired to create the following questionnaire (read why on her blog), and has included me on the list of people from whom she would like answers.

So here is YM's list of Qs:

Q-1. What item of yours has the most sentimental value, and why?

A-I'd have to say the large box of photos sitting in my storage locker. And a diamond ring Peter gave me in 85. It's beautiful, and one day in 07 I swept it up from the counter-top along with some paper towels that were covering it. Then threw it in the trash, ON TRASH DAY!

I went to work and was there about an hour, realized I didn't have it on, then spent the entire day agonizing over it. Finally, having mentally followed my tracks, I decided that I had indeed thrown it out with the trash. I was sick. It felt like a death had occurred, like someone had died. When I got home that evening, I ran to the kitchen trash can which was empty except for some paper towels, and under them, my ring.

Q-2. What is the best compliment you've ever received?
A- Aside from gestures of support by two people who have made a huge difference in my life, I'd have to say that on occasions when my people gather and we plan a meal, I'm always asked to do the salad. I make THE best salads.

Q-3. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A- Rich

Q-4. Do you love or loathe family get-togethers?
A- Love Um (unless I have to be the one to drive long distances to get there)

Q-5. What is your favorite breakfast?
A- Crispy, thick bacon, country farmed eggs over-medium, rye or sourdough toast, buttered, tomato juice with lemon, freshly brewed coffee, preferably French roast, and good company.

Q-6. Where were you born?
A- Southern California

Q-7. What is your favorite holiday?
A-Christmas and the week that follows into New Years

Q-8. What are you going to do for yourself today to make yourself happy?
A-Manicure, pedicure, a brisk walk with the dogs and of course a little bit of blogging.


  1. I could feel myself stop breathing as I read the story about the ring ... whew! Huge exhale!!! You're also a girl after my own heart with that breakfast ... sigh ... :)

  2. Substitute orange juice for the tomato juice and add the sports page and I am with you on the breakfast.

    Your ring story reminds me of one of my worst memories. Our family checked out of a Miami hotel in a mad dash to make our flight at the airport. Part way there my Mom realized she had left her wedding ring on the bathroom counter in our room. A quick call to management and a check of the room was too late. The ring was gone. My mom was in tears. A replacement ring bought later, was never quite the same.

  3. All my photos and home movies.

    A nice job at work.

    A major league baseball player.

    Love em.

    Big fluffy waffles slathered in whatever suits me that morning.

    Southeast PA


    Have a 2nd bowl of ice cream.

  4. I love number 8! You must have been listening to my International Be Kind To Yourself week post.... LOL.

    Fun post, thanks for sharing. I love posts where you learn about the blog author.

  5. I'm So at your place for breakfast --- you actually identified my absolute favorite breakfast items, identically, wouldn't change a thing! But add 1 more: really good cheesy grits !

    Loved reading your responses.

    You're one cool broad !


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